Multi Agency Group Supervision
The framework is to support all partners working with a child, adult and/or family to agree a multi-agency shared understanding of strength, risk and needs from a trauma informed perspective. This shared understanding informs decision making, strengthening how we can work in a preventative way to develop a plan to address need and risk.
There are seven stages to the framework and multi-agency chronologies are a key part of this. The framework draws on the core model of Our Way of Working including trauma informed practice and motivational interviewing.
The graphic illustrates how the framework can be undertaken within the seven stages influenced by the work of Wonnacott & Wallbank 2016 and Keller & Protinsky, 1986.

Who will lead it?
A facilitator will lead the multi-agency group supervision. This is someone who is independent from the professionals involved with the child, adult and family.
What does the independent facilitator do?
- Respond to the request for service and agree the framework
- Create a safe space for multi agency reflection and analysis
- Encourage open and honest professional conversations
- Enable professional thinking and challenge appropriately
- Enable professionals to embed trauma informed practice and motivational interviewing
- Maintain neutrality in the process
- Facilitate group discussion to agree how actions will be shared with the family
- Be responsible for recording and sending of the supervision notes for professionals to inform and progress the plan
When do they take place?
This framework should be requested when there is an emerging/increasing risk, need and/or vulnerability for a child who has an open plan of support in place. TAF (Team Around the Family), CIN (Child in Need), CP (Child Protection), LAC (Looked After Child), Care and Support Plans, Carer support plans.
Multi-agency group supervision does not replace any other statutory process or replace the escalation policy and process Escalation Policy
Examples of when a multi-agency group supervision could be considered are:
- Concerns around parental mental health / child mental health
- Where there are new emerging risks e.g. child exploitation, anti-social behaviour
- Concerns for substance misuse
- Concerns for domestic abuse
- Risk of homelessness
- Risk of placement breakdown
- Impact of SEN/disabilities for families/adults
What about my own professional supervision or 1 to 1?
- This framework does not replace single agency individual professional supervision
- It is important that all attending ensure that they have delegated authority from their agency
What outcomes can we achieve through this approach?
- Shared agreement of actions that will move the plan forward
- Shared understanding of desired outcomes of success for every child and adult
- Increased use of assessment tools
- Prevention of drift and delay
- Strengthened multi-agency working
- Enables professionals to reflect on how to develop a plan and support sustained change
What is my role and how do I prepare?
- You will be asked to complete the request for service form and provide the most recent plan of support TAF (Team Around the Family), CIN (Child in Need), CP (Child Protection), LAC (Looked After Child), Care and Support Plans, Carer support plan and include the voice of the child, adult and family
- Each agency will be asked to provide a chronology of the last 12 months of their involvement with the child, adult and their family. Guidance about how to complete the chronology will be sent out to each agency ahead of the multi-agency group supervision
Are the family involved?
- Prior to a request being made for a multi-agency group supervision, families will be made aware, and informed of the purpose
- The child, adult and family voice will be gained prior to the multi-agency group supervision and used to inform the discussion. If following a multi-agency group supervision any changes to the plan are suggested, this will be shared with the child, adult and family by an identified member of the multi professional group.
Making a request for service for a multi-agency group supervision
- Agreement for the multi-agency group supervision must be reached as part of an existing multi-agency process
- The multi-agency group agree which professional will complete the request for service
If you use Liquid Logic or e-TAF in your role with children you will see there is a standalone form.
All other partners working with children please use the new link below to make a request for service.
Click here to request a Multi-Agency Group Supervision and create your account Via Cheshire West and Chester portal
If you work with Adult Social Care and would like to request a Multi-Agency Group Supervision please email and the Independent Facilitator will contact you to discuss the request.
Information for parents/carers (If you are worried about your child’s safety and need help please seek advice from professionals and call the Integrated Access and Referral Team 0300 123 7047 (option 1) who will offer advice and guidance)
Multi-Agency Group Supervision
- Your views are very important, we want to listen to what you have to say
- Your views will be shared as part of the Multi-Agency Group Supervision
What is it?
- A multi-agency group supervision does not replace any other meetings
- It is about the people working with you to ensure that your needs are being met and you are safe and well
- We want to do this so that your plan can move forward.
How will this happen?
The person sharing this information with you will:
- Talk to you about multi-agency group supervision
- Answer any questions you may have
- Ask you about your views
- Tell you when this is happening and what will happen next and will provide feedback on the outcome