Partnership communications – Covid-19 Recovery for educational settings

Covid-19 Recovery for educational settings

In July we launched our partnership’s approach to recovery. This model and guide build on ‘Our Way of Working’. In educational settings we can use the guide to ensure we are meeting need at the earliest point, identifying COVID-19 changes in behaviour and emotions to support us in our work to prevent exclusion and understand how this may impact on the needs of children, young people and families and support these appropriately.

Step one: Recognise

Identification of need

Look at our animation, guide and model.

  • The guide will help you to recognise changes in emotions and behaviour
  • You may notice children struggling in their reintegration into school
  • This could due to changes in social/emotional and mental health needs and missed learning opportunities which could be a result of the pandemic.

Our model and guide are available to view:

Step two: Respond

How to respond to the needs you have identified

  • Consider whether there has been a missed learning opportunity, emotional need or behaviour need.
  • Consider if you have seen this before and use the tools and resources in the recovery guide to support you
  • You should use the guide and work through the 0-25 Inclusion Framework to help you come to an appropriate and timely response to meeting the need.

Step three: Link

Link into other resources

It is important that you link into other resources and services to help respond to a child/young person’s need and provide appropriate support and intervention in a timely and managed way.

If you need further support, you can access the Child and Educational Psychology Service information line during term time until March 2021 by phoning 0151 337 6835 (Tuesdays between 1.30 and 4.30pm for 20-minute slots).

The government have identified a catch-up premium and the National Tutoring Programme to support gaps in learning due to COVID-19, for details:

Do you still have concerns?

If you still have concerns about a child after going through the steps above you can contact the SEN Team on:

Look out for…
Training and development

Training for the recovery model and guide will be available in October for Safeguarding Leads, Pastoral Workers, Head Teachers, Teachers, Heads of Year, SENCOS and all other roles within educational settings: